First OB appointment report

Monday, November 15, 2010
This is belated.  I was swamped with life and other commitments, but I also needed some  time to process.  I haven't told my story here yet, so you are clearly out of the loop to this point.  For reasons that will be revealed in other posts, I had a lot of anxiety regarding this appointment.  In my perfect world, I would have skipped it completely.  I had given myself a pep talk, decided what I would agree to and what I wouldn't, convinced myself that I just had to get through it and then it would be behind me and I could move on with planning.
The appointment was  with an OB I had never met before, but who had come recommended in the local natural birth community.  To be fair, I did really like him.  I didn't feel any judgement from him, and he seemed quite competent.  It was my own body that, yet again, decided to not play by the rules.  By dates, I would have been just short of 18 weeks.  My fundus however, is measuring 24 weeks.  The doctor was quite precise in his measurements, so this was not error on his part.
Now I do tend to measure ahead of dates, that is not abnormal for me.  I don't know if 6 plus weeks ahead of dates is typical or not though.  He of course wants a level 2 ultrasound, due to my age, which I expected and had already decided I would allow.  Due to the discrepancy in size he wants the ultrasound within two weeks or he would also want to order a dating ultrasound.  I do not want a second ultrasound without a solid medical reason.  Luckily (?) the high risk doctor who performs the level two ultrasounds, also wants it done quickly, so he was able to schedule me this Friday.  I then follow up with the OB on 11/29.
I was quite upset by this new turn of events when I left the office.  I called a friend and cried about the unfairness of it all, and then met my husband for lunch.  My husband is an unfailing optimist and gave his typical counsel that everything happens for a reason and as long as we are living our lives as we should, everything will work out the way it is supposed to.  I was calmer when we left the restaurant for sure.
I have since talked to two different midwives who both think that my measurements are likely perfectly normal given my history.  That is nice reassurance for sure.  A couple more appointments and then we can move on to the next step of planning, with a little luck and grace.


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